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Neighbourhood Plan Update

Our Neighbourhood Plan has now passed the Independent Examination stage.  You can see a copy of the Independent Examiner's report here. The Independent Examiner was very positive about the Plan.  She recommended some modifications which we are in the process of incorporating into the Plan, after which it will be published on this website. 
Babergh have now issued a Regulation 18 Decision Statement on the Plan.  You can see it here.


The Referendum will be held in May, after the local elections.

"Can we ask of people in Stutton, what is your definition of "affordable" housing?​"

"I’m not too worried about more houses, it’s getting the environmental and ecological things right that matters most​"

"Greenway is a good idea but mustn’t neglect to improve the pavements, and do something about speeding traffic through the village."  ​


Members of the Working Party talk about the Plan on Radio Suffolk

BBC Radio Suffolk
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