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Stutton Grows

Chair: Sarah Gray

Treasurer: Debbie Brown

Secretary: Bill Hewlett    Contact on 01473 328541

Stutton Grows was launched in 2002 as a Community Woodland Project. We manage Canhams Wood and the new plantations to the south and east. You will find it to the north of the village playing field, which lies behind the Community Hall and Shop. The land is owned by the Strutt's estate and we have a management agreement with them. Since we started, we have planted some 1000 trees. A good number of these were planted by the children of Stutton School.

The planting phase has now stopped. Our work now is to maintain the woodland and look at ways to improve it. Over the time we have created some meandering paths and we hope to find ways of increasing wildlife by installing more bird and bat boxes and creating some glades.


Why not come and join our working parties? We meet on the second Sunday of the month. We meet at 2pm or 2.30pm in summertime.

Interested to find out more please contact Bill Hewlett

Stutton Grows is:

  • intent on planting broad leafed native species

  • committed to the involvement of children and young people

  • interested in exploring tradional woodland practice and crafts

  • linked with a woodland project in Yendi, Ghana

  • aiming to have fun

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